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Writer's picturePrema Posner

Understanding the Nadis: The Pathways of Prana in Yoga

When practicing yoga, the significance of breath, energy circulation, and attaining equilibrium is frequently emphasized. An essential concept that connects these components is known as Nadis.

The word "Nadi" comes from Sanskrit, meaning "tube," "channel," or "flow." In yoga, nadis are the subtle energy channels through which prana (life force) flows, playing a crucial role in our physical, energetic, and spiritual well-being.

What Are Nadis?

Nadis are not physical structures but rather energetic pathways that permeate our entire being. According to yogic philosophy, there are 72,000 nadis in the human body, though the exact number can vary based on different texts and traditions. These channels distribute prana throughout our system, supporting the proper function of our body, mind, and spirit.

The Three Primary Nadis

Among the myriad nadis, three are considered the most important:

  1. Ida Nadi: Associated with the left side of the body and the right hemisphere of the brain, Ida Nadi is linked to lunar energy, representing calmness, intuition, and introspection. It governs our mental processes and emotional well-being.

  2. Pingala Nadi: Connected to the right side of the body and the left hemisphere of the brain, Pingala Nadi embodies solar energy, symbolizing activity, logic, and vitality. It influences our physical strength and dynamic actions.

  3. Sushumna Nadi: Running along the spinal column, Sushumna Nadi is the central channel through which Kundalini energy (latent spiritual energy) rises. It represents balance and the integration of Ida and Pingala, guiding us towards higher consciousness and spiritual awakening.

Importance of Understanding Nadis

  1. Enhanced Prana Flow: By understanding and working with the nadis, we can enhance the flow of prana, leading to improved physical health, mental clarity, and emotional stability.

  2. Balancing Energies: Yoga practices aimed at balancing Ida and Pingala nadis help harmonize our internal energies, promoting a state of equilibrium and well-being.

  3. Spiritual Awakening: Activating and purifying the nadis, especially Sushumna, can facilitate the rise of Kundalini energy, opening the door to profound spiritual experiences and enlightenment.

Nadis in Yoga Practice

Integrating the knowledge of nadis into your yoga practice can deepen your experience and effectiveness:

  1. Pranayama (Breath Control): Specific pranayama techniques like Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing) directly work on balancing Ida and Pingala nadis, promoting overall harmony.

  2. Asanas (Postures): Certain poses, particularly those that involve spinal twists and bends, help in stimulating and cleansing the nadis. For example, Matsyendrasana (Spinal Twist) and Tadasana (Mountain Pose) can activate and balance energy channels.

  3. Meditation: Focusing on the breath and visualizing the flow of energy through the nadis during meditation can enhance the flow of prana and deepen your meditative state.

Nadis in Spiritual Texts

The concept of nadis is well-documented in several ancient spiritual texts:

  • Hatha Yoga Pradipika: This classical text provides detailed information on the nadis, emphasizing their role in the practice of pranayama and the awakening of Kundalini.

  • Shiva Samhita: Another important text that elaborates on the nadis, describing their structure, function, and significance in achieving spiritual growth.

  • Upanishads: These ancient philosophical scriptures mention nadis in the context of prana and the subtle body, highlighting their importance in the journey towards self-realization.

Embracing the Nadis in Your Yoga Journey

Understanding and working with the nadis can transform your yoga practice, enhancing your physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual growth. By focusing on these subtle energy channels, you can achieve a deeper connection with your true self and the universal energy that surrounds us.

As you step onto your mat, remember that each breath and movement is an opportunity to nurture and balance your nadis. Embrace this ancient wisdom, and let it guide you towards a more harmonious and enlightened state of being.

With light and love,



Prema Posner is a seasoned 500-hour YTT yoga and meditation teacher with over 15 years of experience. She has a deep passion for helping others connect with their inner wisdom and cultivate a sense of peace and balance in their lives. 

Prema's teaching style is warm, nurturing, and grounded in the principles of mindfulness and self-awareness. She believes that yoga and meditation are powerful tools for transformation and growth, and she is committed to sharing these practices with as many people as possible. 

In addition to teaching, Prema is also a certified tarot reader and has a strong interest in mystical kabbalah. She believes that these practices complement yoga and meditation beautifully, offering additional avenues for spiritual exploration and personal growth. 

When she's not teaching or reading tarot, Prema loves spending time in nature, practicing yoga and meditation, and spending time with her family and friends.



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